Work continues at the site with survey work and ground preparation underway for the footings and slabs. The school of arts buildings has been externally braced to maintain structural integrity while the roof is painstakingly removed.
The Oxford road frontage of the new Library Community Centre will look a little like the image below. The new building will incorporate the important historical elements of the School of Arts building and the significant trees in Hallinan Park. The Councillor memorial has been temporarily removed and will be reinstalled in the park once landscaping has commenced.
This blog will document the redevelopment and construction of the $10m Ingleburn Library and Community Centre project currently being undertaken by Campbelltown City Council.
Regular updates of the progress of the project will be posted here, so come back often to keep up to date with the project.
The Ingleburn Centre is scheduled to open in early 2009.
Temporary library facilities are open at 6/36 Carlisle Street Ingleburn.